I grew up playing at my mom's feet. She was always creating art by painting, sewing, making baskets, stitching, cooking, and turning our house into a shop, a gallery, an artist's playground!
Mom always allowed me to explore and express my artistic inspirations with scraps of paper, fabric, leftover paint, buttons, dough, anything really. She encouraged me to dabble and dabble some more. Often times, I would become distracted by a world of make believe and abandoned my projects, leaving a mess in my wake. But the encouragement never ended, and it still doesn't today.
The only way I know how to live life is to live it creatively. I write by trade and for passion, play piano as I daydream, dance to exercise, and create mixed media art as a release (oh, and I cook for my family because they have to eat). I've come to mixed media later in life and have grown to love this art form, as it is freeing and not constricting in the least. I started on my own, and then took classes...next thing I know I was hooked and elbow deep in encaustic (a medium of wax). My sons (who live, breathe, and sleep sports) even enjoy mixed media art as there are no restrictions. It is, in my opinion, as open as the sea, deep with possibilities.
These possibilities led to my first show this past weekend at Chick's Picks. And yes, I even sold a few pieces of art. It's an honor to know that someone likes my work enough to hang it on a wall that greets them every day. In fact, it's thrilling!
So here's to creating art, one piece at a time. Enjoy the process and come back often to check on my progress. I want to hear about your progress, too. Let's share encouragement...it can take us far.