Last Friday, I drove out with my mom to Millwood, Virginia to drop off her paintings for a spring art show. If you haven't been to Millwood before and you are ever in Virginia, it is a must see...like going back in time. The scenic drive out there alone is worth the effort. (Be sure to check out more photos of beautiful Millwood at the end of this post...then breathe in...breathe out...and enjoy a moment of peace and quiet.)
This week, it was my turn to drop off artwork to a show called Chick's Picks. Not only have I been busy helping to move my family into our new home, I've been feeding my canvases with encaustic, paint, vintage images, and embellishments of all kinds. Have I ever mentioned I love embellishments (I'm detail oriented and focus in on small intriguing things and often appreciate life's little treasures, by the way).
So, all this in preparation for Chick's Picks...an amazing show that comes around every few months. If you don't know about Chick's Picks, check out Hillary's website here:
https://www.chickspicksbyhillary.com/. The theme for her show this month is very ROYAL, in honor of the upcoming nuptials. Here are two of my eight pieces that will be showcased there. If you are in the Northern Virginia area, you should stop by Chick's Picks.
April 14 - 16:
Thursday, 8am - 8pm
Friday, 9am - 7pm
Saturday, 9am - 2 pm
Victorian Dressing Room
Off to shuffle some more boxes around...