Seeing that we are in four months into 2013, I thought I should do a quick review of what happened in my world this past 2012 before I get into my "plans" for the remainder of 2013. First, let me explain that I spent the good portion of 2012 publishing/editing a wonderful children's book by Jodi Moore and illustrated by Brendan Flannelly-King, titled GOOD NEWS NELSON. It was beyond amazing working with these two talents. If you haven't checked out the book yet...what are you waiting for?
Between my sons' ballgames, school functions, home life (including the holidays), church, etc. I was also able to get a little bit of art in, which definitely cures what ails you. I was thrilled to do multiple mini pieces for two Chick's Picks shows in the fall of 2012. This time, I showcased my mini-mixed media art on easels. I love doing minis as they are great to use in decorating with an eclectic, vintage style. You can see a few samples in the pictures below.
Lately, I've been finding myself wanting to do more silhouettes again. Below are a few I did not too long ago. One was sold at an auction (the dancer with the heart) and the other was given as a gift to my cousin. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do with silhouettes, but I can't wait to see where my creativity leads me. I'm also looking forward to finishing up a few writing projects. Somehow the urge to write and create art never truly leaves me. Whenever I start to have my doubts and feel tired and weary, it seems the Good Lord plants the desire right back in my heart. It's kind of like Spring over and over again.
So, what do you have planned this Spring?